ChAMP concentration requirements
M.S. and Ph.D. requirements for the ChAMP concentration in CHEMISTRY
The curriculum for the ChAMP program includes a summer session to assimilate students with different undergraduate backgrounds; formal shop, laboratory, and computational courses; a sequence on current topics to bridge the gap between fundamental principles and applied technology; and a course to develop communication skills. The required courses include 10 core courses and three electives as follows. In certain situations, courses may be substituted by other courses with written approval of the student’s research advisor and the ChAMP Chemistry graduate advisor:
A. Complete Core Courses: | |
CHEM 206 | Advanced Data Acquisition and Analysis |
CHEM 208 | Math Methods |
CHEM 266 | Current Topics in Chemical, Applied, and Materials Physics |
B. Select one of the following Computation/Machine Learning courses: | |
Computational Methods | |
Computational Chemistry | |
Machine Learning and Statistics | |
C. Select one of the following Quantum Mechanics courses: | |
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics | |
Quantum Mechanics | |
D. Select one of the following ChAMP Chemistry courses: | |
Applications of Quantum Mechanics | |
Analytical Methods for Organic Nanomaterials | |
Molecular Spectroscopy | |
Materials Chemistry | |
E. Select one of the following Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics courses: | |
Thermodynamics and Introduction to Statistical Mechanics | |
Advanced Topics in Statistical Mechanics | |
Statistical Physics | |
F. Select one of the following Communication courses: | |
Technical Communication Skills | |
Science Communication Skills | |
Physics and Astronomy Communications Skills | |
G. Select one of the following Classical Mechanics/Electromagnetism courses: | |
Electromagnetism | |
Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory | |
Electromagnetic Theory | |
H. Select one of the following ChAMP Physics courses: | |
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics | |
Condensed Matter Physics | |
Plasma Physics | |
Many Body Theory | |
Biophysics of Molecules and Molecular Machines | |
Electives (three of the following must be taken) | |
Chemical Kinetics | |
Polymer Chemistry: Synthesis and Characterization of Polymers | |
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics | |
Nuclear and Radiochemistry | |
Mathematical Methods in Chemistry | |
Advanced Instrumental Analysis | |
Electrochemistry | |
Analytical Spectroscopy | |
Photochemistry | |
Lasers and Photonics | |
Transmission Electron Microscopy | |
Physical and Geometrical Optics | |
Classical Mechanics | |
Quantum Mechanics | |
Continuum Mechanics | |
Biophysics of Molecules and Molecular Machines | |
Condensed Matter Physics and Condensed Matter Physics |
All approved 4-unit courses not fulfilling core requirements may be counted as electives; other courses may be accepted with written approval from the student’s research advisor and the ChAMP Chemistry graduate advisor. |
In addition to the core ChAMP requirements listed above, students are expected to complete the following Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry requirements:
- Completion of the second-year Examination requirement.
- Completion of the Oral Examination requirement for Advancement to Candidacy.
- Completion of the teaching requirement.
- Completion of six quarters in residence at UCI.
- Submission of an acceptable doctoral dissertation.
Master of Science in Chemistry
- Completion of 10 core courses and three electives that make up the required coursework for the Ph.D. program with a grade of B or better.
- Completion of the teaching requirement.
- Completion of three quarters in residence at UCI.
- Satisfactory completion of a comprehensive examination.
M.S. and Ph.D. requirements for the ChaMP concentration in PHYSICS
This is an interdisciplinary program between condensed matter physics and physical chemistry, which is designed to eliminate the barrier between these two disciplines. Students with a B.S. in Physics, Chemistry, or Materials Science and Engineering, are encouraged to apply to the program. The goal of the concentration in Chemical and Materials Physics (ChaMP) is to provide students with a broad interdisciplinary education in the applied physical sciences that emphasizes modern laboratory and computational skills. The program accepts students for both the M.S. and the Ph.D. Upon admission to the program, students are assigned two faculty advisors, one from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and one from the Department of Chemistry, to provide guidance on curriculum and career planning.
The curriculum for the M.S. and Ph.D. programs includes a summer session to assimilate students with different undergraduate backgrounds; formal shop, laboratory, and computational courses; a sequence on current topics to bridge the gap between fundamental principles and applied technology; and a course to develop communication skills. The required courses include 10 core courses and three electives (subject to advisor approval) as follows:
Core | |
A. Complete: | |
PHYSICS 206 | Advanced Data Acquisition and Analysis |
PHYSICS 207 | Applied Physical Chemistry |
PHYSICS 266 | Current Topics in Chemical, Applied, and Materials Physics |
B. Select one course from the following two Quantum Mechanics courses: | |
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics | |
Quantum Mechanics | |
C. Select one course from the following ChaMP Chemistry courses: | |
Applications of Quantum Mechanics | |
Molecular Spectroscopy | |
Current Problems in Analytical Chemistry | |
Materials Chemistry | |
D. Select one course from the following Statistical Mechanics/Thermodynamics courses: | |
Thermodynamics and Introduction to Statistical Mechanics | |
Advanced Topics in Statistical Mechanics | |
Statistical Physics | |
E. Select one course from the following Electromagnetism courses: | |
Electromagnetism | |
Electromagnetic Theory | |
F. Select one course from the following Computation/Machine Learning courses: | |
Computational Methods | |
Special Topics in Astrophysics | |
Computational Chemistry | |
G. Select one course from the following Communication courses: | |
Technical Communication Skills | |
Science Communication Skills | |
Physics and Astronomy Communications Skills | |
H. Select one course from the following ChaMP Physics courses: | |
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics | |
Condensed Matter Physics | |
Plasma Physics | |
Electives | |
CHEM 213 | Chemical Kinetics |
CHEM 225 | Polymer Chemistry: Synthesis and Characterization of Polymers |
CHEM 232C | Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics |
CHEM 233 | Nuclear and Radiochemistry |
CHEM 243 | Advanced Instrumental Analysis |
CHEM 248 | Electrochemistry |
CHEM 249 | Analytical Spectroscopy |
CHEM 267 | Photochemistry |
EECS 285B | Lasers and Photonics |
ENGRMSE 259 | Transmission Electron Microscopy |
PHYSICS 134A | Physical and Geometrical Optics |
PHYSICS 211 | Classical Mechanics |
PHYSICS 215B | Quantum Mechanics |
PHYSICS 222 | Continuum Mechanics |
PHYSICS 230A | Biophysics of Molecules and Molecular Machines |
PHYSICS 230B | Biophysics of Molecules and Molecular Machines |
PHYSICS 233A | Principles of Imaging |
PHYSICS 233B | Techniques in Medical Imaging I: X-ray, Nuclear, and NMR Imaging |
PHYSICS 238B | Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYSICS 238C | Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYSICS 239B | Plasma Physics |
PHYSICS 239C | Plasma Physics |
Electives may be chosen from other courses with the approval of the student’s research advisor and ChaMP graduate advisor. |
In addition to the required courses, M.S. students complete a master’s thesis. Students are required to advance to candidacy for the master’s degree at least one quarter prior to filing the master’s thesis. There is no examination associated with this advancement, but the thesis committee needs to be selected and appropriate forms need to be filed. The M.S. program prepares students to compete for high-tech jobs or to begin research toward a Ph.D. The master’s thesis requirement is waived for students who complete the requirements for advancement to Ph.D. candidacy.
Successful completion of the M.S. requirements may qualify students for the Ph.D. program. Progress toward the Ph.D. is assessed by a written comprehensive examination that is typically administered in the summer after completion of the first year of study. This examination covers comprehensive knowledge acquired in course work, and the content of the examination depends upon the student’s specific area of interest.
Participants in the Ph.D. program take an examination for formal advancement to candidacy. It is typically taken within one year of successful completion of the comprehensive examination. To satisfy normative progress toward the degree, it must be taken by the end of the student’s third year. The examination is comprised of two parts: (a) a written report on a topic to be determined in consultation with the research advisor and (b) an oral report on research accomplished and plans for completion of the Ph.D. dissertation.
Pre-2020 possible course track