Welcome to the graduate program in Chemical, Applied, and Materials Physics (ChAMP) at the at the University of California, Irvine. The ChAMP program is designed to prepare M.S. and Ph.D. scientists for modern careers in the Physical Sciences and Engineering, where cross-disciplinary education with an emphasis on applications is in increasing demand. Designed to appeal to students with interests in Applied Physics, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, and Materials Physics, the program unifies physical and chemical approaches to the study of matter, through the applied science of modern materials.
Students receive M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in:
- Physics,
- Chemistry,
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, or
- Materials Science and Engineering
and follow a curriculum and training that is tailored to an inter-disciplinary skillset and to jump-start their graduate career. Faculty are represented from the School of Physical Sciences and School of Engineering from diverse fields, with an emphasis on:
- Nano and Quantum
- Biophysics, Biomaterials Science, Biochemical Engineering
- Energy and Environmental
- Optics and Plasma
In addition, students may join faculty groups in the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, or Department of Materials Science & Engineering.
ChAMP program summary (with Ph.D. in Physics)